
To compile osmocomBB  for the target we need a GNU toolchain for ARM.

So first make sure u have this installed the toolchain

For Osmocombb we need to do the following

Getting and updating the source

For compiling and building  osmocombb

Open up a new terminal window

like this


and you should see this


now that u have a terminal window open we are going to download Osmocombb from Github

To do this copy the following command

git clone git://git.osmocom.org/osmocom-bb.git

and paste it in the terminal window


you should then get this


when u pasted it u can press Enter now

and see this


now that this is done we need to enter that Directory u do this by entering the following command

cd osmocom-bb

like seen here


now that u entered this command u can press Enter

and should be here


now that u are here we need to switch to the sylvain/testing branch

we do this by entering the following command:

git checkout sylvain/testing

like seen here


after u entered this command u can press Enter

and should see this


now that u switched to this branch we need to make an adjustment before building it

the adjustment is needed for enabling Transmit support (you can also build it without TX, but for OpenBTS we need TX support)

to do this do the following

enter this command:

cd src/target/firmware

like seen here


after that u can press Enter

and should be here


next we need to edit the Makefile that is located here

you do this by entering the following command:

nano Makefile

like seen here


now that u entered this command press Enter

and you should come out here


now that u have this file open

keep pressing the down arrow until u see this


now that u see this we need to edit the following line


you see that there is hashtag sign (#) before the line

we need to remove that

so move your cursor using the arrows on your keyboard until you are infront of the line

like seen here


now press the Delete button on your keyboard to remove the hashtag sign #

and you should then have this


now that this is done we can save and close it

u do this by pressing


and should then see this


when you see this u need to press Y

and will see this


It now actually ask if u want to overwrite the original File

We want to do that

so just press Enter

and you should then come back here


now that this is done we need to go back 2 directory’s so until your in back in the src folder

to do that we need to enter the following command into the same terminal window

cd ../..

like seen here


after u typed this command u can press Enter

and should come back out here


now that u are back here we can start building Osmocombb

we do this by entering the following command here


like seen here


after u typed this

u can press Enter

But i’m not going to show the whole list in screen shots because off the long list

but you should see the following when done!



You just build OsmocomBB with TX support

u can also build it without TX support but for OpenBTS  we need it with TX support since we need to Transmit out for OpenBTS

You can close this window now!



Next we need to build the transceiver

To do that we need some dependency first

So open up a new terminal window

and enter the following command:

apt-get install libfftw3-dev

like seen here


after u typed out that command u can press Enter

and should get this


now that u see this u can press Y

like seen here


When thats done press Enter

and should then see this happening


So this is done now

Next we need to

copy and paste the following command into the terminal window:

git clone git://git.osmocom.org/libosmo-dsp.git

like seen here


when u typed that command press Enter

and you should then see this


Now that this is done we need to enter that directory

you do this by typing the following command:

cd libosmo-dsp/

like seen here


when u typed out that command press Enter

and you should now be here


now that u entered this directory, we need to build it

we start off by running the following command:

autoreconf -i

like seen here


after u typed out this command you can press Enter

and should then see this


now that is done we need to run the next command

that is:


like seen here


after u typed that command press Enter

and should then see this

7 8 9 10 11

now that the configure command is done

we need to run the next command that is :


like seen here


when u typed out this u can press Enter

and should see this

13 14

now that the make command is done we need to install it

you do this by entering the following command:

make install

like seen here


now when u typed this u can press Enter

and should see all this happening

16 17 18

now that this is done we need to go back to the root directory

so from this location we need to go back one directory

u do this by entering the following command:

cd ..

like seen here


now that u typed this command press Enter

and you should then be here again


now that u are here again, we need to go back to the osmocom-bb directory

more specific to the  /osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23 directory

cause now we only need to re-make that directory, since we build the rest already in the previous steps!

so enter the following command:

cd osmocom-bb/src/host/layer23

like seen here


when you entered that command you can press Enter

and should then be here


now that u are in that location we need to configure it with transceiver mode enabled

you do this by entering the following command:

./configure --enable-transceiver

like seen here


after u pasted that command u can press Enter

and should see this

24 25

now that this is done we need to run one more command

that command is :


like seen here


when u entered that command u can press Enter

and should see this happening

27 28 29


You are now done building the transceiver in osmocom-bb



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